City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
Margaret K. McElderry Books
Published in 2007
ISBN 9781416914280
485 Pages
Margaret K. McElderry Books
Published in 2007
ISBN 9781416914280
485 Pages
Amazon (Paperback)
Barnes & Noble (Paperback)
4 out of 5
Clary Fray has always thought she was an ordinary girl who lives with her mother, however, she finds out that her family is far from ordinary. At the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she sees some people murdering a boy, but then, the boy's body disappears. With no evidence to show the police, she is left confused and thinking that what she saw was just her imagination. Then, after her mother gets kidnapped, she meets the murderers again --- but this time they tell her about the secret world of the Shadowhunters, warriors who are dedicated to hunting demons on earth. Why does she have this Sight? Why did demons kidnapped her mother? And, why is she strangely attracted to this world? Clary wants to know this, and so do the Shadowhunters...
Okay, another supernatural book, but this one that I don't really like that much. For the genre, this book has pretty much every kind known to me, so I just picked "Supernatural" and picked the subcategories that the book mentioned.
City of Bones is extremely slow-moving, which is good in the way of details of events, but bad if you want to read in a day. As I mentioned just now, the details in this book are well-written and there are a lot. The author of this books seems to value that the reader needs to know details of events, as well as what the characters look like. Most books I have read do not leave enough of an impression of how the characters look like.
Although the descriptions of the characters are more well-written than other books, the character's personalities are kind of stereotypical. Though, having stereotypes for characters are frequent in most books, not just this one. However, I found Clary's personality extremely annoying. She is very weak and spoiled, which kind of reminds me of most people who I know. :|
In my opinion, the plot is okay, but it could have been a little bit better. And, I have noticed people accusing this author of plagiarism, but what book doesn't do a little bit of plagiarizing? Most books I read have so similar plots with similar characters that I forget which book is which. >.> So, please, do not comment or rant about this on my blog. It's mine, not yours. :(
Anyways, the ending is kind of unexpected, but I read the other books in this series already. So, don't freak at the ending parts --- the author kind of switches it in the other books. ;)
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Cassandra Clare
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