When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up by Dr. Michael D. Sedler
Published in 2003
ISBN 9780800787424
156 Pages
Amazon (Paperback)
Barnes & Noble (Paperback)
5 out of 5
When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up will help you know when it is better to speak or remain silent by teaching through biblical stories, personal stories, and historical examples.
At first, I didn't know it was Christian book until I started reading the book, but I'll tell you this, I found this book much tolerable than the 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue, which was a bit more religious than I could stomach. Anyways, I found this book much more helpful and tolerable than the other book on how to tame your tongue. This book is like a chapter in 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue, but a much better version with actual help for non-religious people or non-Christians in it. :)
Unlike 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue, instead of just giving a biblical passage, this book gives the passage from whatever (personal, biblical, or historical) then explains (or psychoanalyzes) what he thinks it means, how to use it in your life, and questions to ask yourself. This book also has more personal and historical examples than the other book, so it isn't just biblical stories the author gives examples on.
Another thing I like about it is if you aren't as fanatic-religious as the other author is, you can read this book and not be drawn into the zombie like persuasion of "COME BE A CHRISTIAN, IT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE". This book may have a little of that, but it isn't as noticeable as the other book --- or as annoying. The tone of this book is much more gentle and makes anyone feel welcome --- I think even people of different religions can read this and use it in their lives, just tune out the parts about Christian religion.
Go ahead and read it. If you aren't religious, you can ignore the pray parts and substitute it with "think about it", "ask for advice", or something along those lines. It has the perfect balance between for anyone who's not that religious and for people who might be too religious. :D
Out of the three books I got, I found this one and Living Successfully with Screwed-Up People to be the most helpful and insightful. If this is how all the help books this publisher publishes are, I think I will order all the help books I need from them. :X
Oh, one last thing, this author has another book like this, but it is mostly about gossiping and things like that. I don't know if I will read it or not, so, we'll see. ;)
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