Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tide of Terror by Justin Somper


Tide of Terror by Justin Somper
Little, Brown and Company
Published in 2006
ISBN 9780316013741
459 Pages




4 out of 5

After being rescued from the Vampirate ship, Grace and Connor are living a pirate's life aboard The Diablo. The only problem now is that there is a traitor aboard the ship, and not only that, enemy pirates are threatening to storm the ship and teach Captain Molucco Wrathe's a lesson for his lawbreaking ways. This "lesson" leads Grace to intervene and convinces Connor to learn more about being a pirate without risking his life at the Pirate Academy. Though, will Connor stay at the school or return back to The Diablo, and will Grace be forced to forget about the Vampirates forever?

As a whole this series and book is really good, so go ahead and read it. I'll just list of complaints and compliments about the second book in the Vampirates series.

When you start off, it includes a prologue, which will be mention later on in the series and/or book -- so it really isn't needed and just wastes reading time. :S

However, despite the slow start with the useless prologue -- the detail and descriptions of events and the characters in this book are more interesting and very well done than the first. Also, the plot and action in this book is a little bit more interesting than the first book in the series.

Though, Grace's know-it all kind of attitude and personality, which the author is tried to be passed off as wisdom, is kind of annoying at times. Also, she develops more of a whiny, desperate, needy, martyr-like personality. Out of Connor and Grace, Connor is the only one that has developed more as a main character. Also, this author has a tendency to make the male characters' personality more appealing and interesting than the female characters. :(

Another problem is that instead of envisioning the future, since it takes place in the year 2512, I kind on just seeing things that revert to the past. The only clue you have of the future is the modern-like objects that pop up every once in a while.

Making vampires into pirates is a very original idea, and this idea keeps you wanting more books in the series. Just read the series since it has start off in a very good way. :)

Other Reviews/Author Site:

Justin Somper
Vampirates Series Site
Goodreads: Tide of Terror by Justin Somper
Library Thing: Tide of Terror by Justin Somper
Tempting Persephone: Tide of Terror by Justin Somper
Fyrefly's Book Blog: Tide of Terror by Justin Somper

Demons of the Ocean by Justin Somper


Demons of the Ocean by Justin Somper
Little, Brown and Company
Published in 2006
ISBN 9780316013734
330 Pages




4 out of 5

When twins Connor and Grace were kids, their father sang to them the Vampirates shanty, but they never dreamed that the shanty was true. After the two are shipwrecked and separated from each other, Connor is taken aboard a pirate ship, and Grace is taken aboard the mysterious Vampirate ship. What kind of dangers with the twins come across? Which one of the twins is more in danger, Connor with the sword fighting? Or, Grace being aboard a Vampirate ship?

As a whole this series and book is really good, so go ahead and read it. I'll just list of complaints and compliments about the second book in the Vampirates series.

When you start off, it includes a prologue, which will be mention later on in the series and/or book -- so it really isn't needed and just wastes reading time. :S

However, despite the slow start with the useless prologue -- the detail and descriptions of events and the characters in this book are very well done. Though, Grace's know-it all kind of attitude and personality, which the author is tried to be passed off as wisdom, is kind of annoying at times. Out of Connor and Grace, Connor is the only one that has developed more as a main character. Also, this author has a tendency to make the male characters' personality more appealing and interesting than the female characters. :(

Another problem is that instead of envisioning the future, since it takes place in the year 2512, I kind on just seeing things that revert to the past. The only clue you have of the future is the modern-like objects that pop up every once in a while.

Making vampires into pirates is a very original idea, and this idea keeps you wanting more books in the series. Just read the series since it has start off in a very good way. :)

Other Reviews/Author Site:

Justin Somper
Vampirates Series Site
Goodreads: Demons of the Ocean by Justin Somper
Library Thing: Demons of the Ocean by Justin Somper
Tempting Persephone: Demons of the Ocean by Justin Somper
Fyrefly's Book Blog: Demons of the Ocean by Justin Somper