Devilish by Maureen Johnson
Published in 2006
ISBN 1595140603
263 Pages
4 out of 5
Jane Jarvis and Allison Concord have been best friends for a long time, but what does Jane do when she finds out the at Allison sold her soul to the devil? As Jane tries to save her friend's soul, she sacrifices her own soul to save the soul of her friend. What could make matters worse? She falls in love with a 116-year-old boy, and she has to keep from getting expelled from school.
Yes, I know, another supernatural book. I love them. :) Short review because I read it like four days ago, and I don't really remember much. :( Though, I remember what I didn't like about it. ;)
This book is actually pretty good. I like how the author made the devil into an organization, instead of just being one person. There is tons of suspense and twists in the book, and I just fell in love with Owen. :)
The book was too short and not really enough description, but for some reason, I really like the lack of description. For the ending of this book, it wasn't really completed, so I hope that the author will come out with a sequel or something. So, my only pet-peeves with this book were that it was too short and the ending was kind of bad. :(
Other than those things, it is a pretty good book, if you just want something to do in like one afternoon. :)
Other Reviews/Author Site:
Maureen Johnson
Goodreads: Devilish by Maureen Johnson
Library Thing: Devilish by Maureen Johnson
Tay's Bookshelf: Devilish by Maureen Johnson
Dear Author: Devilish by Maureen Johnson
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