Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Giver by Lois Lowry


The Giver by Lois Lowry
Houghton Mifflin Company
Published in 1993
ISBN 0395645662
180 Pages


Amazon (Hardcover)
Barnes & Noble (Hardcover)



5 out of 5

Picture this: a world without conflict, poverty, unemployment, divorce, injustice, inequality, and even teenage rebellion. Sounds perfect, right? But for Jonas, this world is a reality. December is a special time in this community since that is when the annual Ceremony takes place, where all the children learn their new responsibilities for their new ages. Though, Jonas is frightened because the Ceremony of Twelve will mark an important change for everyone who is twelve. At the Ceremony, they will learn what their life assignment is, as determined by the community's Elders. As he watches his friends receive their life assignment, each chosen for a job where they are most suited at, Jonas has been chosen for something more special than them. He is chosen as the Receiver --- something that Jonas might regret getting since he learns all the dark secrets that his world is based on. What will he do when he learns that the people would be better off if they received what he learned?

Okay, a science fiction book, yay! Actually, I read this book back in junior high because it was one of those "required" books we had to read. I don't know if it is still required, but I hope it is since I really like this book and what it teaches.

This is one of the few books where I don't care about how much descriptions or details are used. Why? Because I like the theme of the book. Though, there are enough descriptions where it is around the theme of the book. Like the summary says, it "questions every value we have taken for granted and reexamines our most deeply held beliefs".

The book examines things like seeing colors, feelings, holidays, and making choices, and how we take it for granted since we always had them. While in the book, the government, I guess, decided to take away those things in order to create a "perfect" world. While it might be good to have peace without conflict, no poverty, no unemployment, etc, it is still important to have choices --- no matter if they are bad or good for the person.

Go read it, the book will teach you to enjoy your free will and question and make sure the government doesn't do something like this to us. >.<

Other Reviews/Author Site:

Lois Lowry
Goodreads: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Library Thing: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Rhapsody in Book Weblog: The Giver by Lois Lowry
No Rest for the Lazy: The Giver by Lois Lowry
My Love Affair with Books: The Giver by Lois Lowry

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