Monday, October 18, 2010

30 Days to Taming Your Tongue by Deborah Smith Pegues

A 30 DAYS TO ____ BOOK

30 Days to Taming Your Tongue by Deborah Smith Pegues
Harvest House Publishers
Published in 2005
ISBN 9780736915601
141 Pages


Amazon (Paperback)
Barnes & Noble (Paperback)



1 out of 5

With Deborah Smith Pegues using biblical scriptures as your guides, this book will (or should I say, won't) help you with what you say and how you should say it, in order to improve both your personal and business relationships.

Let's see... what to say about this book? All right, let's start with the reason why I bought a religiously infused (or what I say, "BOOKS WHICH TRY TO MAKE YOU INTO EVEN MORE OF A RELIGION-FANATIC," how to book. I honestly didn't read the summary --- shame on me, but oh well. I ordered this with two other books, When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up and Living Successfully with Screwed-Up People, which are much better books in my opinion.

The only parts I liked are: some of the metaphors and similes, sayings, (very few) scriptures, able to finish it in one day (and not because I liked the book), and the poem at the end. I think When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up and Living Successfully with Screwed-Up People will help you more than this book. Only if you are a religious fanatic do I think this will be of help to you. >.>"

Worst parts: Too much religion to be any good for non-religious fanatics. Too much quoting and not enough explaining of how that particular part of biblical story matches what we should learn and how to put it into use. Also, the book just quotes the scripture without analyzing it or how to ask yourself questions on how to conduct yourself that much. Oh, it had some good points, but nothing really to show how to get to those good points. You can definitely tell it is a religious propaganda --- not that there is nothing wrong with that, but it's a waste of money for something you could get or hear from church. Also, during the beginning part, it says something about how only God can help you tame your tongue --- not your own hard earned efforts. Okay, this is me after reading that, "You mean nothing I do will matter, unless I become a mindless zombie of 'If you don't follow this, you'll go to hell.'" Do people really only need divine assistance in order to say and do the right thing?

While this book would be good if you are a heavy religious person, these "lessons" will not work with those who believe in a little of both self-efforts and beliefs (God, divine figure, morals, consciousness) will help you succeed. I rated it an one because I found it unhelpful, too religious, not enough real life examples or explanations over the biblical story quotes, and some of the information is kind of altered. If you research some of the fact parts, you'll know what I mean.

And no, I will not listen to comments along of the lines of "I shall pray for you. You are going to hell." Why? Because I have my own opinion and my own mind, I don't need you telling me how to think. Also, if this offends you because you are one of the ones where God is the total aspect of your life, then don't let it, because as I said before, you have your opinion, and I have mine. I'm sorry, but I can't help how I am. Let's just agree to disagree, and don't shove your views done my throat. Be smart, not confrontational. ^^

Oh, there is also a workbook for this book, but I don't know how it is since I didn't buy it along with this books. But if you are like me, I would suggest just going to your church and ask your leaders there to give you some counseling on how to improve your speaking skills and how to "tame" your tongue --- and then donate whatever you would have used to buy this book to the church.

Another note, this book isn't really apart of a series. The author just has a lot of "30 Days to ____" books, and no, I won't be reviewing or reading those since they aren't a series like in fiction.

Out of the three books I got, I found When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up and Living Successfully with Screwed-Up People to be the most helpful and insightful. If this is how all the help books from that publisher publishes, then I think I will order all the help books I need from them. :X Go read those books instead of this one --- it really is just a waste of money when you can learn it from your church for free.

Other Reviews/Author Site:

Deborah Smith Pegues
Goodreads: 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue by Deborah Smith Pegues
Library Thing: 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue by Deborah Smith Pegues

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