Monday, April 19, 2010

Black Heart by Justin Somper


Black Heart by Justin Somper
Little, Brown and Company
Published in 2008
ISBN 9780316020879
504 Pages


Amazon (Hardcover)
Barnes & Noble (Hardcover)



4 out of 5

There are now two rogue Vampirate ships roaming the oceans, and they are both leaving a trail of destruction in their path. When one of the two rogue Vampirate ships kills and drains a high-profile pirate, the Pirate Federation is left with little choice but to destroy all Vampirates. In order to keep peace and harmony on both land and seas, they assign the mission of hunting Vampirates to newly appointed Captain Cheng Li and her crew. While Connor is placed in danger, Grace is enjoying what little time she has with her weak mother, Sally. Weakening with each passing day, Sally must reveal to Connor and Grace the truth behind their birth. How will Connor and Grace react to the shocking truth behind their true parentage?

As a whole this series and book is really good, so go ahead and read it. I'll just list of complaints and compliments about the third book in the Vampirates series.

Unlike the first two books, it doesn't start out with an unless prologue, so it gets better with that standpoint. Though, with my other complaints, not so much. :S

This book is much more interesting than the first three books in this series. There is more details and descriptions for both the events and characters, which makes the plot and action much more intriguing than the third book in the series.

Though, some things haven't changed that much with Grace. She still has the know-it-all attitude and personality, which doesn't really count as "wisdom", and it annoys me to a point to wanting to hit her. :) Also, she still is developing the whiny, desperate, needy, martyr-like personality. However, it is a little less than before since the book changes the point-of-view so much that you don't have to put up with her that often. Connor and the other characters seem to have develop more, and I like how they how they seem to fight against whatever destiny the author is trying to have for them, unlike Grace.

Another problem is that instead of envisioning the future, since it takes place in the year 2512, I kind on just seeing things that revert to the past. The only clue you have of the future is the modern-like objects that pop up every once in a while. Also, unlike the other books, the time period is posted at the beginning of the first chapter. :)

Making vampires into pirates is a very original idea, and this idea keeps you wanting more books in the series. Just read the series since it has start off in a very good way. :)

Other Reviews/Author Site:

Justin Somper
Vampirates Series Site
Goodreads: Black Heart by Justin Somper
Library Thing: Black Heart by Justin Somper
Tempting Persephone: Black Heart by Justin Somper
Swords for Fighting: Black Heart by Justin Somper

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